Dr. Ida Greene has organized & hosted hundreds of live events, such as retreats, workshops, seminars, webinars, conferences, and many other group meetings.
Dr. Ida Greene has helped children with ADHD and helped people breakthrough Trauma, Grief, and Anger Management.
Dr. Ida Greene has been practicing Psychology for 33 years and she is a Registered Nurse and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Intuition Genius will help you manifest wellness and wholeness in all aspects of your life
First Wednesday at 2pm PST
After the Masterclass, You are Invited to a Q & A with Dr. Ida Greene!
"Unlock Your Intuition" Live Webinar
Every 2nd Thursday of the Month at 2:00pm PST
"3 Simple Ways to Unlock Your Intuition to Tune in, Hear What Your Client & People are Saying and Make a Heart Connection!"
Activate your Intuition Genius 8-week Method!
I will work with you until you achieve the results you desire!
Ask Dr. Ida to discuss the Intuition Genius Grants that are Available for both the Activate Your Intuition Genius Programs.
I can help you grow your Millionaire Mindset
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